
When the world gets in my face, I say, Have A Nice Day!

My Photo

Always burning the candle at both ends. Hey, Is There Alcohol In This?

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Poison Concert -Aug. '07

Poison Concert
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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Are We There Yet?

It's been a while! During the summer, we didn't make it out on vacation and plans for the house have been at a stand still, but Ky and I still worked and finished classes (for the time being) and Code Man won Camper of the Year!!!! He gets an award at the award ceremony in September! We are very happy for him...we were happy with just the title!

More good news! We sent in a fabulous letter (with help from a fabulous writer) to try and win a scholarship to Orlando, Fl. and we won! Free air fare and hotel for 3 days! We will be squeezing in a great vacation to Disney World/Universal Studios for several more days, thanks to my sister!
Are we there yet? If only Jon-Jon had some time to see us while we are in the neighborhood.Most of all, we are happy that our friends and family are healthy!
May your guardian angel be with you at all times!

Oh....I got a B in my math class!

Thursday, June 21, 2007


Hello to all my friends and family!

I wish I could tell you that we will be taking all summer off to have fun and vacation, but we will just be hanging out while I continue to have evening classes, Ky is working and Code Man is hanging out with some friends and going to training camp to become a camp counselor, as well as attending his regular summer camp, and we are all enjoying the visit with Ky's 1/2 bro, Mr. Squeaky.
Hopefully soon, we will be hard at work building our house, since we were just offered land that I gladly accepted. Maybe, after getting the house, then I can think of taking summers off and vacationing, after getting home from work, school and budgeting all my bills. Ha-ha!
I wish everyone a safe and happy summer!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Kicking and Screaming (Inside)

I'm trying to be patient, I really am, it's just so hard!!!!

I just met with a very nice man from Habitat (who has no control over the situation that I'm about to tell you). Before we started, he had to tell me his disclaimer how he can't make any promises, presumptions, etc.,
We met only to figure out the extra refrigerator situation so we will be a step ahead of the City's surveyer when he says it's all a go!
First of all, those of you who have seen the sight, there are little, yellow markers in the middle of the street from the original surveyer. (That job was not completed) It needs to be completed by the same (main) surveyer.... The same surveyer who has since had to go in and have triple bypass surgery who is or has been down and out for six weeks or more.

Habitat is only waiting for them to give the okay, but they can't get the surveyer back out there to finish the job (apparently, the rest of the development needs more markers in order for it to be okay and proceed with the starting of my alleged home). Habitat is wanting the plans for the house to be complete so when the surveyer does make it out there, hopefully, we won't need to wait an additional six weeks for the permit. I hope I explained it to where you all understand.
I was also told that the City, not including said party, is waiting as long as they can and have been very generous as to not tell Habitat that it's been too long, your time has expired, start from the beginning. We never want to hear those words!
We, as a community, are unable to anything about it, because from what I understand, no good will come of it.

If you'd like you can join me.....

So, I am kicking and screaming, inside! Yelling at the top of my lungs, inside! And keeping my composure all at the same time. I will try to be patient and positive.
Thank you for your support!

Friday, June 01, 2007

Cap 'n Gown Time!

I can't believe the time is here! My daughter is graduating high school. I am so proud of her for pulling through, with the help of me and others dragging her, as well.
Teenage years are tough! Fighting through the tears, depression, boys, boys and did I mention boys? Laughing through the silliness of it all, the drama, and teaching her how to drive and finally reaching this point. The point where it all pays off... high school graduation. I can't wait to see her up there in her cap 'n gown, receiving her diploma she so much deserves. She may be a bundle of nerves, and I'll definately be putting stock into Kleenex, and it will all be worth it. One big sigh out of the way and onto the future. I've been told that I've done a great job raising her on my own, and I know I have. I just want the best for her, happiness first, so all those other things don't get in the way and feel overwhelming.
Now, can I get enough freakin' tickets for the ceremony, please?!

Thank you to all my friends and adopted families for putting up with me through it all!
We love you!
Congratulations to my daughter for graduating high school this week.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Money Tree

I don't know about any of you, but my money doesn't grow on trees!
As some of you know, I've been taking the bus around town, to and from school and to Habitat this morning. I am pleased to report that I only put in $20.00 worth of gas in my car for the whole month of May.

I am quite surprised in myself for riding the bus as much as I did. I mistakenly took the wrong bus once and that took a whole hour before arriving at my destination, waiting patiently between buses, and trying to carry items that don't fit in the back pack. Even the five o'clock crowd on the bus was very crowded at times and I was able to see and smell some interesting individuals, even familiar faces from the past 2 to 3 weeks.

I will say, that taking the bus isn't my favorite thing to do, but it did save me quite a bit of money and road rage. I happened to use my car this evening and I found myself saying a few choice words to the other drivers who sped past me within an inch of hitting my car. I haven't used an F-bomb in two weeks until today.
You should try the bus some time while the gas prices are high. It really puts things in perspective.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Folding Party Coming Up

This Wednesday, same place, same time. I want to thank my friends ahead of time because I won't see you that evening, due to my class schedule. But, I will be earning my hours that morning.

The plans are coming along slowly, but surely. This is what our house will look like. We are anxious and I am trying to teach my kids how we need to be patient. Oh! The agony!

I got an official tally of hours. Right now, we are at 339.50 hours, after Wednesday evening we will be around 351.00 hours. Closer to 500!!!!
Again, we thank all of you and can't wait to share the ground breaking ceremony with you!
Congratulations to all my close friends who are reaching their goals, as well. Love you all!

Ahh, what a sweet deal

Rhapsody increased their prices! I was on the phone canceling because of the increase and they gave me a deal to stay at $9.97 a month! So, I took it. I love my deals!
I took it because my kids love it so much! Also, you can make your own radio stations and find almost anything you want on it. I bet you can't guess what my radio station is!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Real Simple Solutions


I've been reading up on some organizational tips from Real Simple magazine and book. I love their tips and ideas.
New uses for old things: Our hall closet is very small, so we started stuffing towels into the old wine crate. It started looking a little too white-trashy for me, so I took some tips from the pro's. I cleared all the clutter and started fresh and spruced it up a little bit so it doesn't look cluttery.

Under the bathroom sink, I got rid of the old bottles of this 'n that and the other, that have been hiding under there and made it a clean pallet for our towels that don't fit in our tiny hall closet. Anything that is salvageable, I will donate to the women and children at the Mission.


Let's just hope that the kids and I can keep it this nice. It's a lot of work, but well worth it. Hmmm...I wonder what I can organize next?!


Monday, May 07, 2007

How Can It Be?

I just don't look old enough to have an eighteen year old!
I can't believe how big she is and how old I am! How many more birthdays will she allow me to spend with her? She is graduating H.S. in June and wants to travel and work over the summer. After that, college! And a great career! A wonderful life!
I recommend hugging your children every day, time really does fly right by!
Happy Birthday, Baby!


I was bored, so I started pretending that I was my own hair stylist and started to cut. With the first cut, I thought to myself that it was a good idea. By the third or fourth time, I knew it was a bad idea. I started at the top, so I still have some long hair, but there are definatley some short layers around my face and around the back of my head. I don't know how to fix it! I need to call my hair guru-that should've been the first step!
Usually, I'm on medication and an insomniac when I take the scissors to my own hair. My friends call me a spaz- I'm beginning to believe it! I should've went shopping instead! Dear Baby Jesus, make it all work out! Amen.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

What The Fu???

After a very long time of being single, I have decided to start dating again. I know, I was quite surprised myself!
I am talking to two men and can't wait to get to know them as friends first. No expectations.
I'll keep you in touch!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Beginner's Luck!

S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y Night was well spent with the BirthdayGirl, Pennylicious, hanging with friends, new and old. I had a lot of fun bowling with my LEFT arm, even though I am right handed. I found out that I wasn't too shabby. I got about 4 strikes, total. I was quite impressed. I call it beginner's luck!
Thankyou Pennylicious and D-man for a great, fun-filled evening!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Do you ever?

Feel like this?
This is exactly how I felt yesterday!

Monday, January 29, 2007

Is it Spring yet?

My alarm went off at five minutes to five this morning, so I could be aware that I need to wake up for my new job, (merchandiser for a bakery) but to also lay there for a few minutes before I actually have to get out of my warm bed. Fifteen minutes went by and I thought it was a good time to throw on some clothes, brush my teeth and hair and stumble out the door. Normally, I would take my time putting on my makeup and primping my hair. Not this job, too damn early!

I met with Charles, nice guy. Almost a die-hard fisherman, and has already showed me a picture of a Steelhead he and his wife caught last weekend- a twenty pounder. Ohhhh-ahhhh.
It was so cold out there that I was praying to God for a heater in the truck. No such luck. You push a button to turn on the heater, but it doesn't heat up a thing. I had my body armour on under my very thin pants, a tank, a sweater a fleece jacket and a windbreaker jacket with some warm lining to it, along with my gloves. I could not warm up for the life of me.

Charles showed me what to do before the route, and how to and what to load into the truck. It all consists of loading trays and baskets onto the proper racks and also to organize your sandwich bread, hot dog rolls, hamburger buns, and rolls so it's easier to pull out of the truck and you get into the rythm of things. After the truck thaws from the fosty morning, he took me on the Monday route for the schools up and down River Road( about ten). It took about 2.5 hours. I was able to drive the truck-stick shift- that has an attitude going into second shift. Charles had to help me with the attitude adjustment at one point. But all in all it went very smooth and it is a job that I can deal with right now. The only down fall is the cold, early morning. The good news is that there is a Dutch Bros. on the way. I can't wait till Spring!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Papa Roach concert

I'm the coolest mom! I'm sending my kids to this concert tonight. They better be on their best behavior!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Is There Alcohol In This?

I don't know how I got here (hic-cup), but I'm freezing my nuts off! (hic-cup) My Nuts! My Nuts, where are my nuts? ! I can't believe (hic-cup) they forgot to make the most important (hic-cup) parts of all! Well, at least I have my bottle of wine.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Oh Balls!

I'm driving behind this big truck the other day and all I see staring back at me is the biggest set of chrome testicles hanging from this truck. I've seen these before, hanging from a different truck, but in the color blue. Now that I no longer work in the urology field, I really don't care to see them hanging in my face while driving, not that I ever did before.
Maybe I feel like hanging a chrome vagina from my car!

Saturday, December 23, 2006


Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Sometimes I just feel like an animal!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Wake Up and Smell the Respect!

Don't you hate it when people mess with your head!
Especially the ex's in your life.
I'm no longer allowing to be treated like a convenient doormat - and the minute he wants to wipe his newlywed-married, but separated, feet on me, I say NO.
It doesn't sit well with him, because I said no.
I'm not a loyal dog, I am a woman. Very different.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


My little babooshka's....I have made Baklava. Oiy-Vay!
It's my first attempt, maybe only attempt. Very time consuming, unless you know what you are doing. It smells good, it looks good, hmmmm it may taste good. How can I go wrong with honey, sugar and pastry? I'll find out soon enough.

Happpy Holidays everyone!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Habitat Folding Party

It's been too long.
It was so nice to see all my friends in one room together. Yes, Cin, Jon-Jon would be a grrrrreeeeat Habitat buddy to come build on my house! You are arranging that, right?

I have been busy with driving to/from school, homework, being a mom, and Habitat.
I want to thank all my friends and family that helped me and my children earn hours towards us getting our home, it really means a lot that you took time out for us. Twenty six and a half hours were earned= 260 total so far. God Bless all of you!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Me and the kids are experiencing a true broken heart.
Seinfeld, our beloved cat was laid to rest this past Wednesday.

We were there for him all the way to the end.
It was very difficult to say goodbye.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Awwwww- the best friend, ever!

Seinfeld..what can I say about a cat who adopted us 13 years ago? He showed up on the anniversary of my dad's death, so I believe my dad sent Seinfeld to us to love and to take care of us (vice-versa) I don't usually believe in love at first sight- but look at him- he's gorgeous!
For those of you about to roll your eyes - don't have a hairball for what I'm about to say.

Seinfeld is the most precious pet, friend, confidant, dance partner and non judgmental cat I've ever had. He accepts me when I have curlers in my hair, no make-up on, and even when the dishes aren't done-he actually prefers it that way so he can sneak a bite of left overs when I'm not looking. He loves to play in paper sacks and wiggles his hind-end when he's in attack-mode. He chases you up and down the stairs (when he's feeling better) and plays hide 'n' seek. He will stand in the middle of us & meow to get our attention when we get a little loud with each other. He runs into the kithchen when he hears the can opener, thinking it's a can of tuna, when really it's refried beans, instead.

Well, lately, he's been looking pretty scrawny, losing weight, vomiting now and again, coughing and has been real grumpy over the past 3 months. We just thought it was because he's aging. K and I listened to his heart the other night- it was beating so fast, I coudn't keep up with the beats. When we heard him wheezing, is when I took him into the vet- Dr. Ron Titterington, very nice man, a compassionate office team. I was already making plans to set up Seinfeld's last appointment so he wouldn't be suffering, it was a hard thing to think of for your precious animal that's been with you since your children have been toddlers.

After the blood tests were back, we found out that Seinfeld has Hyperthyroidism which is common in older cats and his is very treatable. We're happy, but of course it will be expensive. The treatment is radioactive iodine from a specialist in Springfield.
I know it all sounds corny to all of you non- animal lovers, but I don't care what you think, he is part of out family - When you have an animal, you take on the responsibility of taking care of them because they are not able to- they are domestic afterall.
We love him very much and now we are helping him on getting better.

Friday, September 08, 2006

20/20 Bon Jovi

Jon Bon Jovi CBS Sunday Morning

Friday, September 01, 2006

$$$$$ Back To School $$$$

Is everyone ready for school?
What ever happened to just new backpacks, pencils, paper, notebooks, clothes to look super hot and cool, haircuts and styles to look even hotter? Don't forget, now there are all the school dues...maybe that's only high school students x 2.
Yearbooks ( DVD is extra $), locker fees, Day Planner, Student Body Card (skyrocketed $$), parking permit, if needed, P.E. t-shirt and equipment, Technology fee ( required by all students to pay for their new science wing) Dance and cheerleading squad( if needed), Band fees, Spanish Immersion Grad fees? International HS fees? and last but not least...Senior Graduation fees. Everything listed costs a grand total of $546.00. I have two children in high school.... what if they both needed all these fees? It would have to cost $1092.00!!!!! Who's getting screwed here?
Well, my two kids don't need all that, some things are optional, but not many. My daughter is a Sr. and now has to pay extra fees. I think it's just so crazy!!!!
Is this what it has all come down to in the 4J public school system? Is there a reason for all of this? Please help me understand!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Happy Birthday to Me!

HUMINA, HUMina, Humina!

I will be spending some time and laughs with my friends Friday night for my birthday. I can't wait!

All is good. I'm looking on the bright side of things. ..My sister is alive and so positively strong, my children are healthy and the people I care about the most surround me with love!

Even though my rent is increasing...again... We get land offered to us for our house with eleven more sweat equity hours, and it will be a home we call our own when it's done being built!
So, happy birthday to me!
Even though it seems that things are dark, irritating and UN-CALLED FOR, I feel blessed to be able to see the positive side of things.

For my sister, and neice; stay strong, stay positive and let people help you when your family can't be there.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Oh My Gawd!!!!!

If I wasn't religious before... I am now!

I'm grateful for men that look like this!

Friday, August 04, 2006

The Perfect Man

I couldn't resist, two of the most perfect men in gold lamme suits.

...more to come.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Well, well, well...I felt like things were going a little crazy there for a little while. It's all slowed down, now...the way I like it.
After all the heat, "K " is all better now from having her wisdom's pulled out. She wasn't well for about 4 full days and then she started feeling better after all that medicine made her sick. Within that time, "C" needed to be ready for summer camp so he can get away and have fun. We drove to Portland and had a touristy day, it was fun, thanks for the suggestions Big J! I recommend Escape from New York Pizza on 23rd and Moonstuck chocolate truffles. The big hit was Powells bookstore, it is gigantic! We came home and then I got sick with a big bad cold of some sort. I slept for the most part of yesterday...I guess I needed it. Our new a.c. unit arrived, I'll be putting that up for the rest of the summer months that we'll be having. I'm doing well at my newest job and can't wait to give notice at the retail of these days. I did see some familiar faces tonight in retail, it was good to see them, I have not seen the day crew in some time, now. I can't tell you how many times I've straightened up those toss pillows and rugs! It starts to drive you a little insane.

This Saturday, I drive back to pick up "C" from camp and perhaps say hello to our friends at the zoo. Soon, our county fair starts and my son wants to go see Loverboy, so I can't wait for that.
Still, no man in my life, still going to school and enjoying it, and still burning the candle at both ends...till next time..chow.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Cell Phone Hell

Here's a story...

I went to "add-a-line" with T-Mobile so I only have one phone bill to pay. It only took 15 minutes to get most of it in order and I almost had the phone in my hands when the new girl behind the counter noticed something wasn't quite right with the transaction / activation...well, it wasn't working. She kept zapping the barcode on the box that the new phone was in and transferrred all my current information to this new phone and somehow over-rode and cancelled out my daughter's phone number and Sim card ( that is also in my name ). Somebody got confused somewhere and now it's been two whole days without a cell phone for my daughter and the two companies involved are blaming one another for the big screw up, and no one can help me because they can't figure it out!!! ... And I still don't have the new cell phone. Don't you just love cell phone companies? For all my trouble, I was offered 100 bonus points...what the hell are bonus points? Give me a free month of something else, but don't add another year to my contract! I'm so fed up!!!!
Hey me!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Damn Oregonians!

It's soo hot, I feel like I would be able to fry an egg on the sidewalk. I called California and it was 112 degrees in Modesto.
I called every store I could think of that sells fans and a.c. units, they were all out. I need a shower after I take a shower because of it being so damn hot! People are talking about their cats panting to stay cool! My cat is hiding behind the toilet to try to stay cool...I tried it, but I wouldn't fit.
My children are hoping that it would rain...Oh My Gawd, I think we are officially Oregonians!
It's too damn hot in this damn rental, I need a damn air conditioner!!!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Chubby Cheeks!

K will be pretty busy snoozing, looking like a chubby cheeked cat with her wisdom teeth pulled out tomorrow. Nothing but soft foods until she heals up and a lot of t.v this weekend.
Stay cool, it's gonna be a hot one!!!!
Later, Chickies!!!!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Portland Weekend

Hello everyone!
Because my son goes off to camp every year, we decided to add to it a little and try something new. In 2 weeks, I decided that the day before I send him off to his wonderful week of camp (pic) cookouts, hikes, horse riding, sailing across the sky from a Blob on the lake, shaving cream in the face bit and awesome week of not mom's cooking or lack there of, we are going to spend the day in Portland as tourists; spend the night and do it again the next day. As recommended, not only are we going to the Portland Saturday Market(which I hear is huge) and eat at (pic) Brother's BBQ, and see some musical artisits, we're taking the Trimet and ride the rails all day and visit the OMSI, Pioneer Square, Zoo, Museum, Moonstruck Cafe (where there's a lot of chocolate), Escape to NY Pizza and whatever else we come accross. Highly recommended was Powells Books, apparently the biggest bookstore in Portland, which we will love. I already planned where we're sleeping, but the rest of the time, we'll just go where the rail takes us!!! I can't wait to spend mucho time with my children since starting school and working two other jobs. I'll let you know how much fun we had!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Intravert or Extravert?

Are you a person who will talk to just about anyone, even on a bad day? When you are ready to take a trip, is it fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants where nothing is planned and you "plan" on the road? Or, are you the type of person who makes sure that immunizations and passports are required and everything is ticked on your check list? Are you the type of person who spares everyone's feelings or say it like it is and tell them not to take it personal?
Humor yourself and take the MBTI quiz on the internet. If you're not sure who you really are, this test may help you decide. If you can't figure it out from thre, call me up and I'll tell you! I find it to be most truthful and quite interseting.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday to our favorite little friend who's turning into this wonderful little man! We're so proud of all that you do, you amaze us each and every day!
Hugs all around,
Denise, Kylie, Cody,
Seinfeld and Potter

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Healthy, Loving People

I am allowing healthy, loving people into my life. That's what my affirmation said at tonight's discussion group. It's sooo true!
In order for me to do that, I am getting rid of all the bad seeds and teaching myself that I now demand the respect that I deserve.
Pennylicious and I got rid of our "hidden" contact information for our ex's. You know the info that you need in case you want to try to reach them again because they were your familiar.
I, as well as Pennylicious, have realized that we deserve a lot more respect than we have been given from the men in our lives. The men who wanted total control over us, but pretended not to, told us to our face how much they respected us and turned around and treated us with such disrespect, the one's who tell you how much they love you but play such head games that it's scarey to trust again, and my favorite..... trying to mold us into their mothers and get mad because you didn't clean the sick and twisted is that?
The point being, that is our past and the only people we are allowing in our lives are healthy, loving people.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Blueberry Saturday!

Happy Birthday, America!

It's a good weekend. Something I've never done before, I ended up doing this morning. It may seem so simple to some of you, but with simplicity in my life on the weekends, I just did it. I went down to the Saturday Market and walked around. I thought I was only going to be there for 15 minutes. It ended up being an hour. I enjoyed looking at all the beaded jewelry, the flowers, the breads and the fruits and veggies. The people there were nice, greeting the morning to me with smiles. I just sampled some blueberries at work two days ago and thought they were pretty tasty. Pennylicious even thinks of them as if they were gold. Her eyes lit up as if she found the treasure herself on some wild treasue hunt. Folks down at the market were purchasing berries like crazy. I thought that I would buy a batch myself. So I did, I bought one little basket, came home and baked homemade blueberry muffins. See, I told you it was simple. They're in the oven right now, baking. I even put in extra blueberry's, added a bit more sugar and some lemon juice because I can. And I filled them to the very tip-top of the rim. Why?...because I can.

The timer just went off, that means they are done! I just pulled them out of the oven, they look so perfect with the blueberry's toppling over! I can't wait any longer, I have to have a taste! MMMmmm!...I don't know how many calories that was, but it was delicious!I stood at the stove to sample a bite, then ate the entire muffin! The life of a bluberry. It's so simple and devine. Call me crazy, but it makes me a little happy. Not just over a blueberry, but to actually enjoy every step of independence.

It's Independence Day...It's a great weekend, step out and enjoy it!